Jekyll Thumbnail

Thumbnailer with watermarking support

Jekyll Thumbnail

Build Status Coverage Status Gem Version

Adds a liquid tag that can generate thumbnails, with watermarks, at any size you dictate.


Require the ruby gem in your Gemfile…

gem 'jekyll-thumbnail'

Then, use it in your Liquid templates as follows:

{% thumbnail path/to/image.jpg 50x50 %}

This will pass the image through the thumbnailer, and generate a thumbs/ directory where the image is located.

Thumbs directory

Images that already exist are not re-generated, so you can save yourself some work by caching these files.

Unit Tests

Running Rake will work through all the minitest tests for this feature…

$ rake


Inside your gemfile…

gem "jekyll-thumbnail"

Building and Releasing

$ gem build jekyll-thumbnail.gemspec
$ gem push jekyll-thumbnail-0.1.18.gem